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Choose your weapon

I was beaming on the subway this morning when I flipped open my New York Times Magazine and saw the subject of its weekly “Consumed” section was the Taser C2 Personal Protector — no, not because I’m a weaponry connoisseur, but because the DRTV push for that product was the subject for my first article for DMNews.

I was glad to see that Taser was reporting 23,000 sales (sure to spike after its inclusion in the Times this week as well), and to see the company’s representative in the article, Steve Tuttle, extol the virtues of the long-form infomercial. I was also interested to see that an Arizona woman had taken it upon herself to begin selling the product through “Tupperware parties for the Taser” — an interesting combination of event, word-of-mouth and viral marketing and, of course, direct sales.

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