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Census Bureau: Online Consumer Spending at $28 Billion for 2000

The Census Bureau yesterday estimated that online spending reached $28 billion in 2000, up from $7.7 billion in 1998 and $17.3 billion in 1999.

Air travel, personal computers and books were the biggest sellers, according to the “Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2000,” released yesterday by the U.S. Commerce Department's Census Bureau.

Among many other things, the 1,012-page document reports the percentage of public schools with Internet access increased from 50 to 95 percent between 1995 and 1999. Also, two out of three public school teachers used computers or the Internet in the classroom in 1999.

The abstract features 78 new tables covering topics that range from e-business sales to prescription drug sales, charter schools and home remodeling.

The Statistical Abstract of the United States has been published every year since 1878.

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