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Brand messaging analysis platform Relative Insight




Relative Insight captures and analyzes all language associated with brands, competitors, and their consumers across multiple channels, including websites, ads, social media, forums, and more.

Additional features include ability to determine how the language resonates with key audiences and to receive language improvement recommendations.


Starts at $50,000.


Ben Silcox, head of data and tech at Havas EHS, has been using Relative Insight for about 10 months.

How do you use it?

After you log on to the website you can go a couple of routes, most of which start with setting up a profile for the kind of analysis or query you want to run. You can select a number of criteria, such as data source and time segments, upload source copy and text, and then put filters against that. Basically, you refine two data sets you want to compare.

If you want to analyze a brand tone of voice, you could upload an example of copy and select a data source from a consumer forum and compare the language between the two.

The output or analysis can be viewed in a number of ways. There are visual ways to view it, such as in word clouds. There are also analytical ways of looking at how specific language types index against each other. You can use the same data sets in multiple ways.

Drilling down into the analysis is one of the key things you need to do to understand the root source of data. For example, if you get indication that a particular piece of copy really expresses the language of love, you can drill down through love and get to what exactly that is.

There are a number of ways to get help if you have a problem with the platform. If you’re working on a big project, you can contact a Relative Insight account person. There’s also a standard help desk where you can raise an issue.

Response types will differ depending on if it’s a technical problem with the platform or if the problem has to do with how you’re using the platform. We invariably get a response within one working day, sometimes sooner.

How does it serve your business needs?

As the global creative digital agency for Dove, we are involved in delivering the brand’s big campaigns. They run multiple efforts across various product categories each year. Relative Insight helps us get much richer insight and provide deeper context to the creative work we do for Dove at both the strategy stage, and at the point of creating content assets. 

For the launch of a new Dove body oil, we wanted to understand the way women talk about skin moisturization in Brazil and how that differs from the way women talk about it in the US, the UK, and India.

Dove has a target consumer, but that doesn’t necessarily get to the level of detail we need. Using Relative Insight, we learned that how quickly moisturizing takes place is important to women, and that body oils are viewed negatively because they’re not perceived to absorb as quickly as other moisturizers. The way that is spoken about in Brazil is very different from the way it’s spoken about in the US and in the UK. These types of insights inform our creative execution and increase engagement for Dove.

Dove is delivering many more premium beauty products now, which puts the brand in competition for the same target audience as the higher end cosmetic products. These brands and their customers talk differently about products than mass efficacy brands and their customers talk about products. Dove needs to communicate in the type of language cosmetic brands use so the audience recognizes Dove’s premium products as higher end products.

You can also use Relative Insight to achieve greater differentiation from a client’s competitors. For example, Dove can communicate its core product messaging in a different way than its competitors.

How does it integrate with your existing infrastructure from an IT standpoint?

It’s all Web-based. We sometimes use other tools internally to layer Relative Insight data with other data.

What are the main benefits?

The technology is unique and it gives us a competitive edge. I’ve not yet come across another technology that does what Relative Insight does. 

It’s easy to use and the variety of data is infinite. Many tools are very narrow. Using Relative Insight we can basically compare any source of language with other sources – both brand and consumer.

What are the main drawbacks?

It isn’t simple to use – the ease of use is fine, but you need to be able to interpret and use the output to get the most out of it. This isn’t a drawback specific to Relative Insight because it’s the same with any analytical tool.  

What would you like to see improved/added?

English is the only language Relative Insight can interpret right now. I believe they’re working on including Spanish. I need to be able to add on other languages for our global clients.


Internal focus groups that provide customer insight.

Social media listening platforms such as HootSuite.

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