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Avoiding Costly PPC Mistakes: Expert Advice

Mistake Avoidance
Mistake Avoidance


Frequent evaluations of Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising initiatives are essential for PPC marketers since neglecting this process can lead to substantial yet preventable costs for clients. Melissa Mackey, the paid search director at Compound Growth Marketing, offered an in-depth guide on the most expensive blunders she has encountered, as well as her best recommendations for evading these mistakes.

Importance of monitoring settings, bidding strategies, and keyword research

In her guide, Mackey emphasizes the significance of keeping a close eye on various settings, bidding strategies, and keyword research in order to optimize ad spend and maximize return on investment. She also highlights the importance of ongoing communication with clients to ensure alignment in marketing goals and understanding of their specific industry, which can ultimately contribute to the success of their advertising campaigns.

Examining campaign goal settings

Mackey underscored the significance of examining campaign goal settings in Google Ads, both in terms of account level and individual campaign objectives. She recounted a warning story about taking over accounts with numerous clicks but limited conversions due to incorrect campaign-specific goals. Once the goal was corrected, conversions began to take place.

This change highlights the importance of carefully evaluating and selecting the appropriate campaign goals to ensure optimal performance and desired outcomes. Advertisers should regularly review and adjust their Google Ads settings according to their evolving marketing strategies and objectives for better results.

Default settings and keyword match types

Mackey also advised against relying solely on certain default settings in Google Ads campaigns, despite their seeming benefits. She cautioned against the exclusive use of broad match keywords, instead suggesting the “Use keyword, match types” setting for added flexibility.

In addition to this, she highlighted the importance of monitoring and adjusting keyword bids and negative keywords in order to optimize campaigns effectively. By continuously evaluating and refining your strategy, advertisers can create a more targeted approach, limiting wasted spend and maximizing returns.

Search partners and display network settings

Moreover, she recommended not having Search Partners and Display Network on by default, as this can lead to subpar outcomes and insufficient control. Instead, advertisers should enable these settings individually and deliberately, ensuring that they optimize settings for each specific campaign. This allows for greater customization and better overall performance, while granting the advertisers more control over their advertising choices.

Consistent scrutiny and optimization of PPC campaigns

By remembering these suggestions and consistently scrutinizing PPC campaigns, marketers can ensure improved account well-being, reduce wasted advertising expenses, and achieve the best possible results. Moreover, analyzing historical data and identifying trends can provide valuable insights for future strategies and optimizations. Regularly updating ad creatives, targeting, and keywords will keep the campaigns fresh and relevant, catering to evolving audience preferences and industry dynamics.


In conclusion, PPC marketers will benefit greatly from frequent evaluations of their Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising initiatives. By closely monitoring settings, bidding strategies, and keyword research, as well as maintaining effective communication with clients, advertisers can optimize ad spend, maximize ROI, and ultimately contribute to the success of their campaigns. By carefully evaluating and adjusting campaign goals, avoiding overreliance on default settings, and constantly refining strategies, marketers can ensure better outcomes, reduce wasted expenses, and stay ahead in their industries.
First Reported on: searchengineland.com


What is the importance of monitoring settings, bidding strategies, and keyword research?

Monitoring these elements is crucial for optimizing ad spend and maximizing return on investment. Regularly checking these settings ensures that your campaigns remain aligned with your marketing goals and that you can make informed decisions about your advertising strategies.

How does examining campaign goal settings help improve advertising campaigns?

By carefully evaluating and choosing appropriate campaign goals, you ensure optimal performance and desired outcomes. Regularly reviewing and adjusting Google Ads settings according to your evolving marketing strategies helps you achieve better results.

What is the risk of relying solely on default settings and broad match keywords?

Default settings may not be the best fit for every campaign, and relying exclusively on broad match keywords can limit your campaign’s effectiveness. Using more tailored settings and keyword match types can provide added flexibility and improved targeting, ultimately enhancing campaign performance.

Why should search partners and display network settings not be turned on by default?

Having these settings on by default can lead to subpar outcomes and insufficient control over your advertising choices. Enabling them individually and deliberately allows for greater customization and optimization of each specific campaign, granting you more control and better results.

How can consistent scrutiny and optimization of PPC campaigns improve results?

Regularly analyzing and refining your campaigns helps improve account health, reduce wasted ad spend, and achieve better outcomes. This includes updating ad creatives, targeting, and keywords to keep campaigns fresh and relevant in response to audience preferences and industry changes.

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