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App of the Week: Evernote

You’ve likely heard of the ever-popular app Evernote. But if you haven’t checked it out, now’s the time. Designed for archiving, Evernote aims to ameliorate the process of remembering things with the help of a user’s computer, phone, tablet, and the Web.

Users may save notes—which can range from photos and audio files to Web pages to handwritten notes and PDFs—to their Evernote account, which automatically synchs the information to its servers. The notes can then be sorted into folders and tagged, annotated, edited, and exported. The app also lets users add notes via Twitter and email.

Users can access and edit their “notes” across multiple devices and operating systems, and are still able to view, input, and edit data sans an Internet connection. Notes can be shared and edited by other users for collaboration on projects and whatnot.

In addition, the app tries to make travel less hectic as it can store itineraries, confirmations, travel documents, and the like all in one place.

Carrying around accumulated business cards gets old real quick

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Who doesn’t want to feel like a VIP?

Pro tip: Always listen to people named Andrew. They know what they’re talking about.


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