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Ahrefs Won’t Renew Some Legacy Accounts

Ahrefs Account Renewal
Ahrefs Account Renewal

In a recent announcement, Ahrefs CEO Dmytro Gerasymenko revealed plans to not renew about 15% of legacy subscriptions in order to enhance the service for the majority of users. This decision comes as a response to the challenges faced by Ahrefs due to account sharing and data scraping activities.

The Impact of Account Sharing and Data Scraping

Account sharing is a common practice within the search community, not limited to Ahrefs. By sharing expensive accounts, users gain access to more advanced tools and features, making it an attractive option for casual users. However, Gerasymenko pointed out that some legacy account subscriptions consume an enormous amount of data, leading to system slowdowns and crashes.

The heavy load on Ahrefs’ infrastructure is primarily caused by a subset of users who engage in account sharing and heavy data scraping. These activities result in sudden increases in usage, which can negatively impact the overall performance of the platform.

Initially, Ahrefs attempted to address this issue by allocating additional resources to handle the increased load. They also introduced a credits system to mitigate sudden jumps in usage and ensure fair resource distribution for all users. However, these measures may not have been sufficient to stabilize Ahrefs for everyone.

A New Approach: Not Renewing Legacy Accounts

In order to level the playing field and ensure a consistently high-quality experience for all customers, Ahrefs has decided to stop renewing approximately 15% of legacy accounts that consume the most data. Gerasymenko took to Twitter to share the news, stating that affected accounts will receive notifications one month before their subscriptions expire, allowing them ample time to assess whether Ahrefs continues to provide sufficient value.

This decision aims to create a fair environment for all users, where everyone is operating under the same terms. By focusing on the majority of users who do not excessively consume resources, Ahrefs can allocate its infrastructure more effectively and deliver a better overall service.

Mixed Reactions from Users

While Ahrefs’ intention to improve service for the majority of users is commendable, the announcement has received mixed reactions from the user community. Some users expressed disappointment, viewing the decision as a betrayal of their loyalty as long-standing customers.

One user on Twitter voiced their concerns, stating, “It could be 15, it could be 50, or it could be all – as end users we will never know and that’s unsettling. Here’s the thing: those loyal, early customers are the very people who propelled you to the stature you have today. We stood by you during your growth stages…”

It is evident that some users feel a sense of attachment and investment in Ahrefs as early adopters. However, it is important to remember that Ahrefs’ goal is to ensure a reliable and efficient service for all users, and this decision is a step towards achieving that.

See first source: Search Engine Journal


Q1: Why is Ahrefs not renewing some of its legacy subscriptions?

A1: Ahrefs is not renewing approximately 15% of legacy subscriptions to address challenges caused by account sharing and data scraping activities. This decision is aimed at improving service quality for the majority of users.

Q2: What is account sharing, and why is it a concern for Ahrefs?

A2: Account sharing is when users share their Ahrefs accounts, allowing multiple people to access advanced tools and features. Some legacy accounts engaged in account sharing, which led to excessive data usage and system performance issues.

Q3: How does data scraping affect Ahrefs?

A3: Data scraping activities, such as heavy automated data collection, put a significant load on Ahrefs’ infrastructure. This results in system slowdowns and crashes, negatively impacting all users.

Q4: What measures did Ahrefs take to address these issues before deciding not to renew legacy accounts?

A4: Ahrefs initially allocated additional resources and introduced a credits system to manage increased usage. However, these measures may not have been sufficient to ensure a stable platform for all users.

Q5: How will affected legacy account holders be notified about the non-renewal decision?

A5: Ahrefs will notify affected accounts one month before their subscriptions expire. This provides them with ample time to assess whether Ahrefs continues to meet their needs.

Q6: What is the goal of not renewing legacy accounts?

A6: The decision aims to create a fair environment for all users, ensuring that everyone operates under the same terms. It allows Ahrefs to allocate its infrastructure more effectively and deliver a better overall service.

Q7: How have users reacted to this decision?

A7: The announcement has received mixed reactions from users. Some expressed disappointment, while others understand the need for the decision to ensure a reliable and efficient service for all users.

Featured Image Credit: Isaac Smith; Unsplash – Thank you!

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