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Add Mobile Friendly to Your Website

Your poor website design may be driving away visitors. The bottom line of your business is at risk if you don't add mobile-friendly features.
Your poor website design may be driving away visitors. The bottom line of your business is at risk if you don’t add mobile-friendly features.

Your poor website design may be driving away visitors. The bottom line of your business is at risk if you don’t add mobile-friendly features.

Is your organic website traffic declining? Are you still using the same website design that you started with?

As you may be aware, Google recently modified its search algorithm to favor mobile-friendly websites while punishing desktop-only sites. So it’s time to update your website. Add mobile-friendly optimization to your website for starters. Why?

The Future Is Mobile

Your website probably gets a lot of visitors. You’re selling well. And it seems to function fine. So, why add things or redesign your website if nothing is wrong?

Not everyone is aware that mobile devices are steadily taking over the globe. In fact, mobile devices now outnumber desktop machines in terms of internet usage. Eventually, everyone will use smartphones and tablets to surf the web. By then, it may be too late to save your company. Act now to future-proof your website!

Add Mobile-Friendly Features and Beat the Competition

Companies with mobile-first websites enjoy a 62% increase in revenues over those with desktop-only websites. Not surprisingly, 52% of users say they are less likely to engage with a website that has a poor mobile experience.

Making your website mobile-friendly helps you beat the competition and rank higher on Google. Show the world why your company is more inventive than the competition while boosting sales.

Boosting Your Google Rankings

As said before, Google now favors mobile-friendly websites. This implies that when a person searches on Google, mobile-friendly websites will appear above other websites.

Google updated its search algorithm in May of 2016. You may have seen a decline in organic website traffic since then. By adding website responsiveness, you can regain lost traffic and possibly improve your Google rating.

How to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Before we begin adding to and optimizing your website, you must first assess its current state.

Use the Google Mobile-Friendly Test tool to test your website and identify any issues. The program will also propose ways to optimize your site for mobile users.

You may also use Google Analytics to discover which mobile devices your website visitors prefer. You can then optimize your website for specific device screens.

1. Add touch screen optimization.

The way mobile and desktop devices interact is one of the greatest contrasts. Mobile users are used to pinching to zoom in and swiping to view more.

Making your website responsive isn’t enough for mobile consumers. Your website must also be touch-friendly. This includes web-based touchscreen navigation. For example, make sure your website’s slideshows can be swiped. Lowering the number of fields in a form makes it easier to fill out.

2. Add HTML, CSS, and image compression.

Optimizing a website for mobile devices also involves making it load faster.

Your website must load quickly enough to avoid visitor irritation, especially on mobile devices. Compress your high-resolution photographs to save data on mobile devices. You can also optimize your website’s HTML and CSS for performance. Adding a caching plugin helps.

3. Add larger font sizes.

Even the most popular blogs still use tiny text sizes that harm our eyes. Your readers shouldn’t have to zoom in to read your blog entries. The user experience is ruined.

Remedy this by adding a viewport to ensure your fonts are rendered correctly on various devices. It’s a simple task, however, you’ll need CSS expertise or pay someone else to help out.

4. Change your theme.

A better theme is the easiest way to make your WordPress site mobile-friendly. Simply add a new mobile-friendly WordPress theme and replace your old one. That’s it.

Or you might add a plugin to mobile-optimize your site. This strategy is not the best because it will slow down your website. Use it only until you find a permanent answer.

5. Add and use AMP.

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is an open-source initiative designed to speed up mobile web browsing. When used, AMP creates mobile-friendly versions of your blog posts in seconds. It makes your website load so quickly that it seems like using a native app on your phone. Google also favors AMP-enabled sites in mobile search results. AMP is easily added and set up using a free WordPress plugin.

There you have it! These are some of the best things you can add to your website to make it more mobile-friendly. The future is yours!

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