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7 Digital Tools That Will Drive More Traffic to Your Website

Millions of websites are available online at any given time. While not all of those sites are your direct competition, they do split the attention of the potential pool of users out there.

If you want to attract people to your page and keep them there, you need to offer something more than just a catchy headline or two. Digital tools are one way of bringing new visitors to your site while also getting them to bookmark your page.

Around 77 percent of people want free products or services, according to Merkle’s recent Loyalty Barometer Report of more than 1,500 American consumers. Adding digital tools to your lineup is a way of offering something free and getting your brand name out in the world. When they need whatever product or service you offer, your name will be the first they turn to.

While hundreds of different tools are available at your disposal, some stand out as more helpful than others. Here are seven tools that will turn you into the go-to resource for your target audience.

1. Free newsletters

There’s a reason nearly every website you visit offers a free newsletter and a perk for signing up for it. All the traffic in the world doesn’t do you much good if you have no way of connecting with the user ever again. If you can entice them into signing up for your mailing list, you have a direct line of contact with the person and can continue to market to them and offer them other fun digital tools over time.

Add a signup form on your site that requires something as simple as an email and first name. Then, offer a free guide, course or ebook in exchange. Those genuinely interested in your company are highly likely to sign up.

2. Live chat

Customers have a hard time trusting companies in the 21st century. One way you can gain their trust is by showing how easy it is to contact you with questions and concerns.

Adding a live chat feature to your website will attract people looking for your particular type of business with easy ways to ask questions. Staff the live chat with well-trained agents, and watch your sales and traffic soar. eCommerce sites particularly benefit from live chat.

3. Calculators

If you offer any kind of product or service with variable costs, an online calculator is an invaluable tool for your site visitors.

Calculators work particularly well at driving sales in the real estate industry, where users might wonder how much house they can afford or what their payment will be based on a home’s price. You can even offer a range of different types of calculators meant to cover your audience’s needs.

4. Social media integration

An estimated 3.1 billion people will use social media by 2021. Penetration is currently at 45% worldwide and is much higher in developed countries such as the United States and European cities. If you tap into your social media channels on your website, you’ll attract traffic from those channels as the two integrate. For example, offer an easy way for site visitors to share articles from your blog to their social networks. Integrate your Facebook or Twitter feeds into your site’s sidebar.

5. Games

Does your site cater to younger people? Adding a unique game may attract traffic from the exact demographic you hope to reach. Look for something that allows them to connect with others.

Role-playing games (RPGs) are particularly popular with Gen Z, for example. Think about the type of user you want to attract and decide if it’s the right move for you. Games can be a drain on your hosting resources, so weigh the pros and cons of adding them to your site.

6. Media galleries

Photo and video media galleries are an excellent way to highlight the products and services your brand offers. This is your chance to show what you do.

As an added benefit, you’ll attract traffic from those searching the image feature on Google. You’ll also have a built-in way to share photo-rich posts on social networks.

7. Video embeds

Online video is powerful. Tweets with video get 10 times the engagement of ones without, according to Twitter. People respond to videos, so embedding some educational or entertaining clips into your site’s design attracts viewers and keeps them on your page. The key is making sure any videos relate to your business.

Get Creative

Think about the features most likely to help your target audience. Create a buyer persona that represents your typical customer and put yourself in that person’s shoes. What tools would you find most beneficial?

You can also poll your current customers and ask them what digital tools they’d most like to see on your site. With a little creativity, you’ll find unique ways to draw attention and stand out from other businesses like yours.

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