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Safety On All Sides: Accident Prevention Technology Reduces Collisions

Newer accident prevention technology can help reduce different types of wrecks and go a long way toward keeping you and other drivers safe.
Newer accident prevention technology can help reduce different types of wrecks and go a long way toward keeping you and other drivers safe.

When you learn to drive, instructors stress the importance of safe driving. Wearing a seat belt, driving the speed limit, and following the streetlights and signs will keep you safer. However, what if there was more you could do? What if accident prevention technology had a part to play?

Advancements in technology have made it possible to provide support for car accident legal cases. However, the focus has now shifted to preventing car accidents entirely.

As different types of car accidents typically have specific causes, using technology to address each type of accident can go a long way toward keeping you and other drivers safe. Listed below are the most common types of collisions and how tech is helping to reduce them.

1. Rear-End Collision

A rear-end collision is a collision that occurs when one car crashes into the back end of another.

This type of collision is often caused by following too close when the car in front suddenly hits the brakes. Rear-end collisions are the most common type of car accident in the U.S. This type of collision is even more common during bad weather conditions.

What can help prevent them?

Many people believe that liability in a rear-end collision falls on the driver who rear-ended the other. However, this is not always true.

Exceptions apply to drivers backing up and crashing into an oncoming car and to drivers who may make a sudden change, slam on the brakes, and cause the car behind to crash into them. Accident prevention gear such as driver assistance technology that includes a rear window camera can help you anticipate drivers coming up too fast behind you. It does this by providing additional visual coverage as opposed to just a rear-view mirror alone.

In addition, some rear window cameras have recording ability, which can help support your legal case if a driver crashes into you from behind.

2. Side-Impact Collision

Side-impact collisions tend to occur for one of two reasons. Distracted drivers are increasingly the main problem. They often fail to pay adequate attention to road conditions.

The other primary cause is drivers operating their vehicles with limited or otherwise-obstructed visibility. For example, a driver looking at his phone begins executing a lane change, unaware that another vehicle has since moved into his blind spot.

This type of collision is typically the result of failing to pay adequate attention to the blind spots that every vehicle has.

What can help prevent them?

The driver who failed to yield the right-of-way is usually at fault.

Driver accident prevention technology, such as a lane departure warning system, exists to help prevent this type of accident. Newer cars usually have this system pre-installed, but after-market options are available for older vehicles. This system will warn the driver if there is a car too close so they don’t merge and cause a collision.

You can also install side mirror cameras to provide additional visibility to the driver.

3. Head-On Collision

Head-on collisions are some of the scariest accidents to be involved in. Many head-on crashes result in death.

A head-on collision is usually caused by distracted drivers, alcohol impairment, swerving to avoid something on the road, and even drowsy driving. It’s imperative to stay safe and alert on the road to avoid this type of accident.

What can help prevent them?

Driver impairment or distraction is often the cause for head-on-collisions. Depending on the situation, there are numerous types of technology that can keep you from operating in an unsafe manner.

There are already quite a few apps on the market that stop your phone from sending and receiving text messages while driving. For drowsy driving, there are several software choices that integrate with existing health trackers or Bluetooth devices to warn you when your vitals have slowed down too much or when your eyelids aren’t blinking at a consistent enough rate.

If you have a past history of driving while intoxicated, you should install a breathalyzer lock in your vehicle. This will evaluate your alcohol levels before allowing the engine to start.

Of course, these technologies won’t prevent you from being struck by others who are driving while impaired. However, they can help you take responsibility for yourself.


Accidents can easily be detrimental to the health and the finances of yourself and other drivers on the road. Technology can be an extremely useful way to promote accident prevention.

Of course, technology will never fully replace strong vigilance and responsible driving practices. However, technology is a great addition as it can help decrease the likelihood of an accident.

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