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6 Tools to Get Strategic with Your Twitter Hashtags

twitter hashtags

Running a campaign on Twitter requires a brilliant strategy from start to finish. Especially a hashtag campaign since Twitter is all about hashtags. But you don’t have to do this all on your own, as some brilliant Twitter hashtag analysis tools are available in the market.

But a list of brilliant things comes with the dilemma of choosing the best one. You might also have faced this dilemma. Don’t worry; let us make it easy for you by presenting you with the 6 hashtag tracking tools help you to get the best Twitter hashtag analytics and you strategize your Twitter campaign according to statistics

Why Do You Need Hashtag Tracking Tools? 

To precisely track hashtags over time and across many social networks, a hashtag tracker is utilized. You can check which hashtags a social media audience is using and how well they’re performing by using good hashtag tracking tools. Your marketing plan should be developed around the primary interests of your target market.

These solutions are becoming essential for all digital marketers because Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook analytics are unable to fully track hashtag performance.

6 Best Hashtag Tracking Tools


Taggbox is a terrific social media feed aggregator and display tool that can gather content from numerous social networking sites and track hashtag usage.

Presenting real-time hashtag Twitter feeds helps you to greatly increase audience participation for your hashtag campaigns on Twitter. It encourages people to tweet more frequently with your hashtag, increasing audience engagement.

You may receive comprehensive insights about the effectiveness of your Twitter hashtag campaign with the Taggbox. Total impressions, total posts, post type, post network, most active users, sentiment analytics, and much more may be tracked and monitored.

You can keep track of the posts’ locations as well as their most important contributors.


Hashtagify can build a profile for any chosen hashtag. See the most frequently used hashtags and how alike they are to others, the most popular tweets that contain them, usage trends, and even user-submitted explanations of the hashtag use.

Finding new chances and ways to track your tweets, it’s particularly great because of the concentration on applicable hashtags, corresponding, and reputable. You can concentrate on quality by excluding tags with a lot of spam.

You may assess your impact within a hashtag’s stream and receive recommendations for new hashtags to employ in marketing, which is another great activity.

All Hashtag

All Hashtag, a straightforward and free service launched in 2015, exists solely to simplify the Twitter hashtag experience, from establishing a hashtag to tracking its effectiveness online. Your Twitter posts enable you to produce, create, and analyze hashtags.

Four features are incorporated into All Hashtags to assist you in selecting or creating the appropriate Hashtag for your Twitter content and gauging its effectiveness. These include the hashtag creator, generator, and analytics tools.

Every Hashtag is free, straightforward, and simple to use. Simply typing into the search bar will display a list of relevant hashtags that you can apply to your social media posts.

Tweet Binder

A fantastic tool and comprehensive package, Tweet Binder analyses hashtags and associated conversations.

It helps you increase the social impact of your marketing initiatives and grow your Twitter following. It aids in grouping hashtags together based on your specified parameters.

You can track Twitter hashtags in real-time with Tweet Binder, perform hashtag analysis, and produce excel reports. Additionally, it enables you to access past data to obtain comprehensive statistics for your hashtag campaign.

You have complete access to Twitter data using Tweet Binder. Additionally, Tweet Binder empowers you to curate your content. It assists you in adding genuine value to your content. It offers data on popular hashtags, the most popular reach hashtag, etc.


RiteTag aids with your keyword research. Instead of using frequency to gauge hashtag popularity, it uses engagement. In other words, it doesn’t just suggest hashtags that are often used but also ones that get tweets liked, clicked on, and retweeted.

Similar to SEO keyword research tools, it also considers if it is overused, underused, or has the correct volume and competition ratio.

In order to tweet from a variety of well-known apps, you can also download the Chrome extension. It will scan your hashtag usage as you type and evaluate it as you go.


TweetDeck will work best if all you do is search for and interact with hashtags. But, you probably don’t need any sophisticated features or analytics.

It generates relevant streams for when you check in. This makes it better when you’re not just in real-time monitoring.

A straightforward TweetDeck stream, for instance, can perform just fine if you’re monitoring hashtags on specific things to identify reading content. Alternatively, if you want to check for anyone else is utilzing it through the week but using TweetChat for your actual talk.

Additionally, if you want to design and incorporate your own Twitter timelines, you should use this tool.

Wrapping Up

Twitter and hashtags go hand-in-hand. For running a successful hashtag on Twitter, you need to be in touch with a brilliant Twitter hashtag tracking tool. This blog has some of those brilliant hashtag tracking tools. Select the one that resonates with your marketing objectives and start your campaign.

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