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40 Under 40 2016: Natalie Travaglione, Experian Marketing Services

Natalie Travaglione, Senior director, global product marketing, Experian Marketing Services, 33

Natalie Travaglione has more than 10 years experience developing and driving go-to-market strategies for technology platforms and analytical tools in the financial information, regulatory compliance, and marketing technology industries.

At Experian, Travaglione leads global product marketing for the Experian Marketing Suite, an award-winning, cloud-based marketing technology platform.

What has been your proudest career accomplishment to date?

When I set out to hire a new team at Experian, I was deliberate in ensuring each hire operates with a strong level of integrity, favors collaboration over competition, focuses on outcomes, and has a healthy sense of humor. Within six months, the team was recognized as one of the highest impact, top-performing groups.

What’s the best piece of advice you can give to future 40 Under 40 honorees?

Take time to slow down and process. Think through what you’ve been asked to do or what you are asking of others. Focus on delivering what is going to advance your business, your programs, and your career.

What do you hope to accomplish in the next five years?

Corporate responsibility has always been important to me, and it’s something that Experian does really well. I’m eager to continue developing and contributing to charitable initiatives.

What is one interesting fact about you that few people know?

I paint miniature 2-inch-by-2-inch portraits of reality TV stars.

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