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360i parent launches behavioral marketing services

Innovation Interactive, the parent company of digital agency 360i and search engine optimization technology SearchIgnite, is raising its commitment to behavioral marketing with the US introduction of the Netmining Web site conversion optimization suite and the launch of the Netmining Evolution behavioral ad network.

Netmining wants to “up the game” on behavioral marketing by going beyond simply recognizing users and segmenting them, said Will Margiloff, CEO at Innovation Interactive. Instead, the Netmining platform uses scoring system based on the recency, frequency and monetary value of users’ page visits to enable marketers to deliver customized on-site interactions and off site marketing messages that are specifically tailored to each visitor’s current product interests.

Innovation Interactive acquired Netmining, which is being used in Europe by marketers such as Fiat, Danone and Sun Microsystems, in November 2008.

“We acquired Netmining because we felt marketers are missing an opportunity by optimizing media and not focusing on on-site optimization,” said Margiloff.

The user interface for the Web site optimization solution lets marketers see in real-time where users are in the sales cycle for different products.

The new behavioral ad network called Netmining Evolution also uses recency and frequency of user visits, this time to tailor the delivery of banner ads.

Approximately 30 marketers have been testing the ad network during a beta pilot state over the past several months, including Borders and Insurance.com.

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