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Yahoo’s Sponsored Search Now Available on Mobile Web

Yahoo’s sponsored search results will now be available on the company’s Mobile Web service in the United States and Britain.

Yahoo’s Web search results on Mobile Web services will include sponsored search results from a select group of advertisers. Consumers will be able to click on the sponsored search results to go to the advertiser’s mobile Web site or a landing page to get more information about the advertiser’s offerings, including the ability to call the advertiser.

“This beta launch further extends the reach of Yahoo-sponsored search products and services to the mobile environment, enabling advertisers to reach consumers on their mobile devices across major mobile operators in both countries,” said Nicole Leverich, spokesperson for Yahoo.

Today’s average consumer has multiple devices that they use to connect to the Internet. This new beta service is a way for advertisers to reach the ever-growing base of consumers who are looking for products and services via their mobile phones.

The beta service will be accessible on the majority of mobile phones available today since it is in Yahoo’s Mobile Web service that is browser based.

“This is an opportunity to make it easy for consumers to access Internet services on the go and to reach the millions of consumers worldwide that might not own or have access to a PC,” Ms. Leverich said.

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