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Worldata/WebConnect Releases List Price Index

NEW ORLEANS — Worldata/WebConnect, Boca Raton, FL, released its 2000 list price index this week at the Direct Marketing Association's fall show here.

“Worldata/WebConnect has added new categories to its list price index, reflecting changes in today's new economy markets,” said Ray Tesi, corporate vice president at Worldata/WebConnect. The new categories are permission-based e-mail business-to-business and permission-based e-mail business-to-consumer.

The index is grouped into list categories and compares list costs per thousand names for the 12-month period from July 1999 to July 2000.

The lists that had the highest straight average price per thousand in both July 1999 at $251/M and July 2000 at $250/M were permission-based BTB e-mail lists. Immediately following were permission-based BTC e-mail lists at straight averages of $193/M in 1999 and $198/M in 2000.

Meanwhile, the lowest straight averages were in the donor category. Donor lists were priced at $74/M in both 1999 and 2000.

In addition to averages, the index also included straight dollar change figures for each list category. The largest price increase from July 1999 to July 2000 occurred with permission-based BTC e-mail lists and consumer magazine subscriber lists at $5/M increases.

As far as price decreases, the cost of newsletter lists dropped the most at $5/M over the 12-month period.

Worldata/WebConnect has been tracking fluctuations in list prices for inhouse reference for more than 10 years.

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