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With Outbrain partnership, NewsCred users can amplify their content all over the web

Content creating and publishing platform NewsCred recently announced that it was integrating with content distribution service Outbrain to provide content amplification opportunities for its users.

NewsCred has the content, and Outbrain has the delivery, so a strategic partnership was always on the cards between the two content marketing platforms. Here are the features that will benefit both sets of customers through the partnership:

  • Marketers will seamlessly gain access to the fully licensed articles, images and video from over 4,500 content providers within NewsCred’s Publisher Network.
  • NewsCred customers will be able to distribute their content via Outbrain Amplify, and its global audience of more than 550 million monthly unique visitors**, in addition to social distribution via Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • NewsCred is also an Outbrain Preferred API Integration Partner, making it possible for joint customers to access Outbrain Amplify directly from NewsCred’s Content Marketing Cloud software. With one-click, marketers can now have their content discovered across the 150 billion personalized content recommendations that Outbrain serves each month.

“NewsCred and Outbrain’s partnership provides a simplified solution for brand owners and marketers to create, curate, and distribute premium content that will resonate with their audiences,” says Scott Lehr, Vice President of Content & Strategic Partnerships, NewsCred. “By integrating Outbrain directly into the NewsCred Content Marketing Cloud, we’re truly delivering on our promise of a technology platform that makes marketing simpler, faster, and more impactful.”

For Outbrain, using NewsCred’s publishing network is a much needed lifeline of content. The platform was recently forced to drop a lot of content that wasn’t sufficiently labelled as “sponsored” and it’s now looking to populate its content recommendation feeds within legitimate, informative articles, the kind NewsCred specializes in producing.

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