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Wildlife Conservation magazine axed in restructuring

Wildlife Conservation, the magazine of the non-profit Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), has published its last issue.

The bi-monthly had 92,000 subscribers, who were informed of its demise in the editor’s note in the final issue. The WCS is asking to keep subscription money as a donation, but also is offering refunds. The end of the magazine is part of a massive WCS restructuring plan, which offered a voluntary buyout and also calls for a redesigned WCS Web site and the revamping of many other WCS programs.  

“In these times, every public and private institution should be re-thinking its business practices,” read a statement on the restructuring from Dr. Steven Sanderson, CEO and president of WCS. “The world’s economic crisis means that government funding, private donations and foundation support are severely strained, and we must demonstrate the value of what we offer to New York and the world.

The new WCS.org, currently in the middle of its redesign, will feature added content as part of the society’s efforts to maintain its audience and continue its education of the public. An e-newsletter is reportedly in the plans, but a spokesperson for the WCS would not confirm.

On the new Web site, Sanderson said, “The re-designed Web site will provide education on conservation issues and will encourage action to help save a variety of wildlife and wild places. As we continue to ‘green’ WCS, we will phase out our print magazine and turn to a digital format to reach even more people with an education and engagement message deeper in content and more interactive.”

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