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What is a Content Marketing Agency: Pros and Cons

content marketing agency

Every business needs a solid and well-planned content marketing strategy. However, you might not know how to find design, marketing, and writing strategy professionals to make it happen. Many organizations have realized now that they will miss out on potential customers without content marketing. Moreover, businesses new to this process are unsure how to strategize and create engaging and relevant content. Fortunately, a content marketing agency can help you here. 

What is a content marketing agency? Here’s everything you need to know about it.

Content marketing is vital for every business. About 67% of marketers believe that content marketing generates leads.  

However, a content marketing agency is your friend when you need to create an effective content strategy. Let’s know more about what’s content marketing agencies here. 

What is a content marketing agency?

Content marketing agencies, also more often called content agencies, can be the best friend of businesses. This agency will create an efficient content marketing strategy to plan, create, distribute, and measure content impacts for its clients. 

The type of content professional content marketing agency can help you with varies. However, these generally include social media content, blogs, podcasts, video content, images, long-form guides, and much more. 

They create a content plan to provide value to a certain audience. However, the ultimate goal of these efforts is to help a business boost its customer base and increase revenue.

Content marketing agencies usually take care of multiple things. These more often include:

  • Preparing a content strategy
  • Creating content 
  • Distributing and promoting content 
  • Measuring how well their content strategy is performing. 

Although deliverables vary from agency to agency, especially when it’s about content creation. Some agencies just compile content ideas for you. While others also produce different types of content for you. 

Therefore, when hiring an agency, you must review its deliverables. 


  • Close collaboration with your team 

When you sign a contract with a content marketing agency, it will assign dedicated professionals for your project. These professionals will start working on your content marketing strategy. However, they will collaborate with you at every content marketing step to consider your ideas and get feedback. This practice will help these specialists to ensure that your content marketing strategy can meet your objectives. Close collaboration is vital to create a successful content marketing strategy and improving ROI. 

  • Better accountability 

A content marketing agency always has a process to ensure they are working on your content marketing strategy timely. Moreover, it also ensures that the work has been done per your instructions. 

They usually assign a project manager to your account. The account manager is usually responsible for ensuring everything is going well per plan. 

  • A wider range of skilled people 

Moreover, each usually employs talented experts in different tasks. These skilled people can handle a variety of formats, platforms, tasks, styles, and topics. Consequently, you can better benefit from their industry-specific knowledge and insights. 

  • Value added services 

A content marketing agency can value you incur with its lucrative range of services. For example:

  • The creative team here can perform thorough market research before planning your content strategy. 
  • They may also collaborate with their peers to optimize your content for SEO, user experience, compatibility, etc.
  • Moreover, experts at these agencies will also work on your behalf to develop a positive relationship with your audience. 

Overall, a content marketing agency can offer multiple value-added services to benefit your business. 

  • Quick turnaround 

Mostly, content marketing agencies have multiple experts working with them simultaneously. More people working on your content strategy will ensure a quick turnaround. They can complete your content marketing project timely and efficient. 

Some other key benefits of hiring one usually include the following:

  • Custom-made content marketing plans. 
  • Improved transparency throughout the process.  
  • More focus on the bottom line of the company.  
  • Deep understanding of content marketing strategies 


  • Cost  

Hiring an agency can cost you higher initially. However, the benefits it will offer can benefit you in the long run. 

  • Not industry-specific

They usually work with multiple clients across different industries simultaneously.  An agency may not know much about your industry or audience. Having a knowledge gap will make their staff take more time to learn. Consequently, they will take longer to plan an effective content marketing strategy for you.

Final Thoughts 

Like any other thing, hiring a content marketing agency has pros and cons. However, choosing the right agency to collaborate with is always important. So, you can reap all the benefits of working with them effectively. 

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