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WebPartner Expects Program to Soar with E-Travel Industry

E-commerce services firm WebPartner recently said it is targeting travel-oriented online businesses with a program that measures Web sites' ease-of-use. The company also markets the service to clicks-and-mortar financial services firms and retailers.

WebPartner, Cupertino, CA, recently signed an agreement with OrbitTravel.com, an e-commerce services firm that targets Internet businesses in the travel industry. The deal allows OrbitTravel.com, Miami, to measure the fluidness of its site. In addition, OrbitTravel will offer WebPartner's services to OrbitTravel's business partners, which are also in the online business-to-consumer travel market.

WebPartner Chairman/CEO Mark Bailey said the growth of the BTC travel services industry has led his company to pursue the market. The company has made no promotional plans directed at this segment yet, he said.

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