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Weather Channel Interactive increases site traffic with Coremetrics

The Weather Channel Interactive Inc. has generated increases of up to 144 percent in page views to strategic content areas on weather.com, through the use of Coremetrics reporting to optimize search rankings and attract more qualified consumers.

In a crowded market, the Weather Channel Interactive’s Web site weather.com  differentiates itself by showcasing its health and travel-related articles, live traffic reports, and weather information related to specific events such as weddings and sporting activities, which in turn drives advertising revenue. Weather.com used San Mateo, CA-based Coremetrics to track the volume of traffic that came to various areas of its site via natural search and analyzed the seasonal keywords that were driving visits. The team then identified a strategy that allowed the site to be better indexed by the major search engines and resulted in improved ranking in the corresponding natural search listings.

“Coremetrics gave us the deep insight we needed in order to quantify the impact of increasing traffic to these pages,” said Derek Van Nostran, director of Marketing at The Weather Channel Interactive. “As a result, we are able to act on the data and make improvements in search referrals to attract the most valuable consumers.”

Coremetrics’ segmentation reports also helped weather.com understand more about its users. For example, it found that the keywords “Outdoor Weddings” were significantly more effective than the term “Wedding Planner.” It optimized the landing page for the term “Outdoor Weddings,” since it was clearly more relevant to its visitors, and experienced a 144 percent increase in daily page views of its Outdoor Weddings Tips page.

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