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WatchDog247 Backpedals From Its Egghead Revenue Claim

Web monitoring services firm WatchDog247.com recently claimed in a statement that Egghead.com “lost more than an estimated $1 million in revenue” during the holidays because of site outages.

However, WatchDog247 later admitted that the dollar amount might be misleading and the firm backpedaled on the supposed Egghead losses.

“Maybe we should just edit out the dollar amount,” said Markus Allen, president of WatchDog247, Audubon, PA, which monitored nearly 50 sites Dec. 19-24.

“I'd be confident to say they lost at least a half-million dollars,” he said.

Egghead was down an average of 90 minutes per day during the period, Allen said, though the study did not distinguish between outages that happened during peak retail hours and downtimes that may have occurred during unlikely shopping times, such as early mornings.

He said he came up with the $1 million figure by taking the 90-minute outage average and mathematically applying it to Egghead's self-reported revenue expectations.

Egghead, Menlo Park, CA, a publicly traded firm, declined comment.

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