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WalmartLabs’ 15th Acquisition Goes to Work on Sam’s Club

WalmartLabs, the independent technology arm of Walmart Global eCommerce, this week added PunchTab to the menagerie of mar-tech firms it has gobbled up since it was founded to maximize online-offline commerce in 2011. Its 14 previous acquisitions range from search provider Adchemy to predictive intelligence platform Inkiru to online community Luvocracy.

Punchtab is a SaaS platform homed in on assisting retail and consumer packaged goods companies gather and connect data on omnichannel customer interactions. Six PunchTab technologists, including founder Mehdi Ait Uikfir, will join WalmartLabs in San Bruno, CA. Their first mission will be to work with Sam’s Club marketers to tailor offers and services to members based on whether they’re engaging in-store or online.

“PunchTab will be woven into Walmart’s CRM platform with the goal to create one platform that we can roll out across all lines of business,” says WalmartLabs spokesperson Bao Nguyen. “Currently we utilize disparate systems, and we see a unique opportunity to leverage PunchTab’s team and technology to enhance our own efforts.”

WalmartLabs is run by SVP and CTO Jeremy King of Global eCommerce, one of the four business divisions of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Its engineers, user experience, and product experts build and test new ways for customers to shop in an omnichannel fashion.

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