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Vivisimo shows new social networking search platform

Search firm Vivisimo has debuted Velocity 6.0, a search marketing tool that lets marketers save, share and create search results.á It performs its worká collaboratively through centralizing search campaigns within one integrated platform.

Users can add input about information found via search directly into the search result itself in the form of free-text annotation and have a dialog about content within the search interface. Then other users can bookmark these. They also have the ability to create folders for ongoing projects in real-time.

In addition, Velocity 6.0 lets users tag search results with keywords vote on, rate, save and share content within the search interface.

Within the system users can create profiles that are developed based on data from different repositories and are displayed as a mash-up application of pictures, contact information, biographical data and recent tagging activity in a single view.

There is also a visual map or executive dashboard of hot topics within groups, departments or across the entire enterprise, based upon information that has been tagged, saved or shared.

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