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Visual Sciences, [x+1] team up to unify analytics, optimization

Web analytics firm Visual Sciences and Web technology services firm [x+1] have announced they have expanded their relationship to provide a unified analytics and optimization service.

The companies will integrate Visual Sciences’ Technology Platform 5 with [x+1]’s Progressive Optimization Engine, a continuous audience-based, predictive marketing platform they claim improves the scale and efficiency of the online-marketing process. They say the integration of Platform 5 and the POE will provide new capabilities, strengthening targeting abilities and enabling the conversion specialist to optimize content at the individual visitor level.

Toby Gabriner, CEO of New York-based [x+1], said the partnership would allow both companies to leverage each other’s products to provide a unified solution to the market. He said the partnership would allow them to offer customers a better understanding of Web site visitor behavior, analysis and reporting capabilities.

He said the partnership provides both companies with a competitive advantage by being able to offer Visual Sciences’ visualization and real-time analytics engine to their predictive marketing platform.

Visual Sciences’ Platform 5 is a real-time analytics platform that harnesses data in large enterprises. [x+1] claims its POE leverages mathematical models to make optimal segmentation and targeting decisions for online marketers. The company says the POE’s value-add is derived from its ability to make decisions from complex, interacting data.

San Diego-based Visual Sciences was formerly named WebSideStory Inc.

Jim MacIntyre, CEO of Visual Sciences, said with the integration of Platform 5 and POE, the companies would be able to leverage [x+1]’s technology and provide clients with access to a service to help them optimize their advertising expenditures and performance of their Web site overall. He said [x+1]’s customers would gain invaluable, innovative reporting and real-time analytics capabilities to track online visitor behavior and the performance of ad campaigns across networks.

He said the partnership with [x+1] demonstrates how their technology platform can enable their partners to enhance their product offerings and gain competitive advantage.

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