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Virgin Atlantic debuts Airphoria campaign

Virgin Atlantic Airways’ new US campaign, “Airphoria,” is centered on creative that highlights the experience of flying Virgin Atlantic, regardless of the class. It was created with Virgin’s agency of record, McKinney.

“While other airlines are cutting back, we are continuing to invest in the experience of flying Virgin Atlantic,” said Jim Mezoff, VP of marketing at Virgin Atlantic North America. “We want to give fliers something to get excited about.”

The campaign, which began last week and runs through February, targets business travelers, who might choose the brand’s Upper Class or Premium Economy services; as well as leisure travelers, who tend to ride Economy.

To reach each of these audiences, the airline is making targeted ad buys. To sell Upper Class seats, the brand is buying banner ads on news sites such as Condé Nast’s Portfolio.com; print ads in Chicago newspapers; and out-of-home ads in major metropolitan areas including New York — on its New Jersey Transit, Metro North and Long Island Railroad commuter trains — and Chicago.

The primary demographic for the Upper Class ad buys are college-educated professionals with a household income of $100,000 or more. It also tends to skew slightly more toward married males, Mezoff said.

For all classes, the campaign also targets based on psychographic qualities and is reaching out to “someone who knows what they want and is looking for substantial experience,” said Mezoff.

To reach the leisure travelers, the airline is running ads on lifestyle sites, travel sites such as Priceline and Orbitz, and buying search keywords.

“These travelers are interested in vacationing and are looking for a good flying experience when they do so,” added Mezoff.

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