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Viral Marketer Shuts Down After Short Run

Viralon, a San Francisco-based online marketing firm specializing in viral marketing, closed up shop yesterday after only five months in business.

The company — founded by Alex Edelstein, a veteran of Netscape Communications, Microsoft Corp. and Inktomi — was financed with $3 million, half of which Edelstein put up himself.

The company closed its San Francisco office and laid off its 30 employees.

In a press release touting the launch of the company, Edelstein had noted: “Viralon was founded to provide companies with powerful marketing services that marry the efficiency and efficacy of viral marketing with the resilience and structure of network marketing and a sophisticated planning and tracking system on the back end.”

Viralon's first product was a viral marketing platform that the company said could be used to rapidly deploy viral marketing campaigns. It allowed companies to plan, implement, manage and track viral promotions.

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