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VentureDirect Gets Gruner + Jahr USA's Co-Op Programs

VentureDirect Worldwide, New York, announced its appointment yesterday as manager of publisher Gruner + Jahr USA's co-operative direct mail programs, which include a Parents magazine and Child magazine co-op program and a Family Circle magazine co-op program.

The Parents and Child Magazine Co-Op Program reaches 500,000 parents, primarily in their early 30's, with children ages 0-11. The average household income of these parents ranges from $47,000-$55,000 per year and up.

The Family Circle Magazine Co-Op Program consists of 750,000 women with a median age of 48 and a median household income of $49,000.

“We're extremely pleased to be representing these co-op programs,” said Richard Baumer, president of VentureDirect. “These respected and well-known publications, and the audiences they cater to are extremely desirable to direct marketers.”

Both new-to-market programs were tested in the fall of 2002.

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