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Vendaria Debuts Streaming Video for E-Mail

Vendaria Inc., a provider of streaming video services, yesterday released Vendaria Enliven Video Mail, an e-mail application that lets marketers embed streaming videos into HTML e-mail.

The Seattle company said that its Enliven Video Mail uses the Vendaria Envision delivery platform, which lets marketers stream videos once the e-mail is opened. The technology can detect the browser version, operating system and media player that the recipient is using. It then delivers the appropriate video content for that computing environment.

Vendaria’s Enliven Video Mail offers video that is optimized for recipients with modem speeds of 36K and above, the company said.

Users need to have JavaScript available on their computers in order for Enliven Video Mail to be automatically streamed. If the recipients lack the technology to view the streaming e-mails, the message will be delivered without the video content embedded.

The company also said its Enliven Video Mail can be added easily to existing HTML e-mail campaigns by cutting and pasting.

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