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USM graphic design students excel in advertising campaigns

"Advertising Excel"
“Advertising Excel”

The University of Southern Mississippi’s (USM) School of Performing and Visual Arts is making waves in the Graphic Design scene, creating a strong industry reputation through its innovative student advertising campaigns.

USM’s graphic design curriculum is an intensive blend of creativity and technical skills enhanced by practical industry insights. The faculty consists of experienced professionals who provide valuable mentoring rooted in real-world experience. Beyond theoretical knowledge, graduates from this program showcase a professional portfolio reflective of their readiness for the competitive creative industry.

Among the program’s notable graduates are Josie Russell and Karson Gunn, who recently received awards for their unique projects. Russell’s project “What Big Teeth” dazzled the judges while Gunn’s awareness-raising campaign about Irritable Bowel Syndrome earned substantial recognition.

Associate design professor, Jacob Cotton, proudly acknowledged the significance of two top awards being issued to the same program. He emphasized this accomplishment as a rarity, underlining how exceptional both students’ work was as it reflected the overall quality of the program.

Russell, from Mount Olive, channeled her creativity into a motion graphic project inspired by an unadapted book, “What Big Teeth” by Rose Szabo.

Student success in USM graphic design campaigns

Through this, she revived the otherwise overlooked book with her striking interpretations and vivid animations. This challenging project only spurred her artistic mind further, leading to the potential rediscovery of Szabo’s work by a new reader demographic.

Gunn, a Raymond resident, tackled the stigma around Irritable Bowel Syndrome through an innovative and humor-infused awareness campaign. His strategic use of humor not only demystified the condition but also made it approachable and comprehensible. Thus, Gunn’s campaign initiated a much-needed dialogue about Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which is often marred by misunderstanding and silence.

These award recognitions underscore USM Graphic Design program’s quality and the high standard of work its students are capable of. Furthermore, they amplify the university’s commitment to foster an environment that champions innovation and excellence in graphic design. Such accolades not only enhance the university profile but more importantly, boost the prospects of its graduates in a challenging job market.

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