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Underground Infrastructure list now available

The Information Refinery Inc. is managing the Underground Infrastructure list, which is now available for rental for the first time.

Underground Infrastructure is a professional journal that presents innovative technology, successful management practices and the latest in public finance for water, sanitary and storm sewers, gas, electric, fiber optics and cable.

Contributors to the Peninsula, OH- based Benjamin Media Inc. title offer insight and information on security issues, regulatory matters, operation and maintenance practices and crisis management.

The file is comprised of 19,493 subscribers at a base price of $125/M.

The individuals in this file are professionals in the water, sanitary and storm sewers, gas, electric, fiber optics and cable industries.

The file is selectable by industry, title, phone and gender.

The list may be useful for offers within the underground industry, as well as general business offers.

The Information Refinery is headquartered in Mahwah, NJ.

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