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Transform Local Ads with Google’s Update

Revolutionized Local Ads
Revolutionized Local Ads

Introduction to the Google Local Service Ads Update

Google recently updated its Local Service Ads (LSA), also known as Google Screened, to provide a more dynamic browsing experience for users by showcasing a broader range of advertisers in the search results. This update aims to promote diversified local businesses by giving equal opportunities to different advertisers and ensures users get an accurate and varied selection of services based on their search queries.

Understanding the Implications of the Update

Len Raleigh, a Local Service Ad expert, noticed the update and shared its implications on social media. He explained how this update could significantly impact businesses relying on Google’s platform for advertising and reaching potential customers. Raleigh also provided strategies for adapting to these updates and maximizing the benefits from Local Service Ads moving forward.

Enhancing the Browsing Experience and Competition

Now, users scrolling through Google’s SERPs will see different advertisers in ‘Google Screened’ results on each page. Previously, the same two LSA results would repeat unless the page was refreshed or a new search was initiated. This change allows for increased exposure to a more extensive range of advertisers, resulting in enhanced competition among businesses vying for the coveted spots in the ‘Google Screened’ results.

Illustrating the Modification with a Screenshot

Raleigh provided a screenshot to demonstrate the modification made to the LSA. In the screenshot, one can clearly see the difference between the original and the modified version of the item. This visual comparison helps readers understand the extent of the modification, allowing them to form their opinions regarding the change.

Small Change with a Significant Impact

Despite acknowledging it as a “small change,” Raleigh emphasized that it could have a significant impact on the overall functionality and user experience. He believed that implementing this minor adjustment would improve the system’s efficiency and user satisfaction in the long run.

Increased Visibility and Opportunities for Businesses

Raleigh highlighted the importance of this update in providing exposure to a variety of advertisers on the search results page. The increased visibility allows businesses of all sizes to reach their target audience effectively by showcasing their products and services in a prominent position. This ultimately leads to higher click-through rates, increased website traffic, and better conversion rates for these advertisers.

Preparing for the Future

As Google continues to update and improve its advertising platform, businesses need to adapt to stay ahead of the competition. Embracing the new Google Local Service Ads update is crucial for companies to ensure they maximize the benefits and maintain a strong presence on the search results page.


The updated Google Local Service Ads provide a more dynamic browsing experience for the users and promote a diverse range of businesses. By shedding light on the implications of this update, Raleigh helped businesses understand the significance of this change and provided valuable strategies for effectively leveraging the new LSA format. With the digital advertising landscape continually evolving, businesses must remain proactive and informed to succeed in today’s competitive market.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are Google Local Service Ads (LSA)?

Google Local Service Ads (LSA), also known as Google Screened, is an advertising platform designed to promote local businesses by showcasing them in search results. This platform provides users with a diverse selection of service providers based on their search queries.

2. What is the recent update in Google LSA?

The recent update in Google LSA focuses on promoting diversified local businesses by giving equal opportunities to different advertisers in search results. It ensures users get an accurate and varied selection of services based on their search queries.

3. How does the update impact businesses?

The update increases the exposure of a more extensive range of advertisers by showcasing different businesses within the ‘Google Screened’ search results on each page. This enhances competition and provides more opportunities to reach potential customers for all advertisers.

4. How can businesses adapt to this update?

Businesses can adapt to the Google LSA update by implementing strategies shared by Local Service Ad experts, embracing the new LSA format, and continuously monitoring changes in Google’s advertising platform to stay ahead of the competition.

5. What are the benefits of the updated Google LSA for businesses?

The updated Google LSA provides increased visibility to advertisers, leading to higher click-through rates, increased website traffic, and better conversion rates. It also promotes a diverse range of businesses and ensures a more accurate selection of services for users.

First Reported on: seroundtable.com
Featured Image Credit: Photo by Mikhail Nilov; Pexels; Thank you!

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