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Top Direct Business Publications in the U.S.

direct business publication

Today, there’s no shortage of publications in the United States from which you can choose. However, it can often be overwhelming to decipher which publication is going to offer you the most accurate news. In an era of “fake news” and clickbait headlines everywhere, many consumers decide to ignore the publications altogether because finding the most authentic one can be so hard. Yet, staying in tune with what’s going on is crucial to society. So, we’ve compiled a few of the strongest direct business publications that you can trust to inform you.

1. Wired Magazine 

Wired Magazine is one of today’s leading publishers. They specialize in reporting and covering the latest news regarding the technology side of the business world. According to Wikipedia, Wired focuses on how “emerging technologies affect culture, the economy, and politics”. One of the major advantages of this publication is that its writing style is typically fairly succinct and straightforward. This makes it a great publication for the everyday person wanting to stay aware and up to date on the latest news. But it’s without the major time investment of digesting too much complex information.

2. Harvard Business Magazine 

For business professionals, Harvard Business Magazine is the one-stop outlet for all the information one needs. Unfortunately, there is a paywall involved if users want to access this publication. However, the cost is worth the reward. Subscribers of this magazine gain immediate access to all of the latest academic research. But also, all of the current happenings in the general business world. For people that want to learn a little bit about a lot of things within the general scope of the business world, the content from this magazine is optimal. Additionally, if you are someone who wants nothing but verified facts backed by case studies and in-depth experimental research, look no further than Harvard Business Magazine. 

3. DiversityInc.

Whether you are a business manager, CEO, or low-level employee, it never hurts to broaden your perspectives and horizons. One of the best publications that provide stories and coverage about all topics relating to modern-day diversity issues, milestones, or general news, is DiversityInc. This publication specializes in offering workforce analytics and tools that set companies up for successful employee engagement, unity, and cooperation. It characterizes itself as a “Diversity Data Platform” and “Media Ecosystem”. It provides tools to assess diversity within individual companies and more.

4. Forbes 

With over five million subscribers each month, Forbes American Business Magazine is clearly a trailblazer in providing access to the latest news in all-thing business. Forbes is known for highlighting the top businesses and businesspeople, and as most know, a positive mention in Forbes is no small accolade for the American businessperson. Earning a highlight or mention from Forbes has a history of leading strong businesses to become even stronger. This is due to the incredibly good reputation Forbes has within journalism.

5. Bloomberg BusinessWeek 

Bloomberg BusinessWeek is currently one of the best publications for savvy business people looking to stay up to date on the latest business, political and economical news. Their content consists of everything from technology reports to the latest business trends, to in-depth analyses of recent business endeavors. Unfortunately, Bloomberg BusinessWeek is not free to consumers. However, if you are looking to be a patron of good journalism and research, this magazine could be a great option for you.

While these are the most well-established direct business publications that we trust to provide fact-checked, verified information, we know that no publication is perfect. Ultimately, these are a guide for directions in which consumers should look. However, it is up to the individual to use critical thinking and strong judgment to decipher facts from fiction or propaganda.

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