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ThinkingCraft bets that brain analysis will help marketers

ThinkingCraft has launched MindSet Data Base — Left Brain Con­sumers, the third of several lists de­signed to help marketers, advertisers and companies target consumers based on how they prefer to receive informa­tion. The list contains nearly 8.5 million consumers who prefer information to be presented in an efficient way.

ThinkingCraft president Dennis Damio is hoping that learning-based segmenting gathers momentum. “We want people to start marketing this way [because] we want consumers to have the benefit of not receiving communica­tion that turns them off,” he said.

Businesses including insurance com­panies, banks, large retail stores and au­tomotive companies showed interest in using these types of lists, first launched in October 2007. Damio said Thinking­Craft has plans to release additional lists of this type in the near future.

“One of the problems in marketing is that it’s a one-size-fits-all mentality,” Damio said. “Everyone gets the same e-mail, the same brochure, the same cata­log. But people are very different and they have very different views of how they want to see information.”

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