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The Neo-Age of Mobile

Mobile marketing is changing—fast. For most consumers, mobile’s on-the-go use has rapidly evolved into an everyday, at-home necessity. And marketers need to not only recognize this change, but also figure out how this evolution affects their mobile messages, and of course, their relationships with customers, who often multitask on multiple screens.

This changing landscape has even the savviest marketers revamping their mobile strategies. And a piercing discussion reflected this movement at Neo@Ogilvy’s annual mobile event, Mobile…WTF?—an acronym for what the facts. In an effort to advance the conversation beyond sheer size of mobile and into how marketers can leverage it, panelists, ranging from chief mobile strategists at Facebook to progressive app developers at Bottle Rocket, weighed in on a range of topics. Here are some of the highlights from this year’s event in New York.

Building a strategy

“Don’t just design a blanket campaign; figure out what makes sense for mobile.”— Dan Silver, director of marketing, xAd, @DanjSilver

“Step back and look at your audience’s persona. Then use mobile to enable that campaign.”— Drew Breunig, VP of strategy, PlaceIQ, @DBreunig

“Remember, mobile is not just another channel or touchpoint. It plays a role in the transformation of how to do business.”—Julie Ask, VP and principal analyst, Forrester, @JulieAsk

Setting goals

“It’s not about the taps or clicks that you get [on a mobile ad]. It’s about the relevant, insightful clicks that you get. [Marketers] want engagement from people who truly want receive their messages.”—Karin Wurm, mobile engagement manager, Bottle Rocket, @KarinWurm

“Marketers should know that mobile moments are everywhere. They encourage impulse buying, guided sales, and product use.”—Julie Ask

“At the end the day, [brands] are not trying to sell clicks. They’re trying to sell outcomes. Remember that.” Dan Chapsky, ads data scientist & researcher, Facebook

Executing a mobile plan

“Forget screen size. Think more about the effectiveness of campaigns to provide customer value.”—Nick Jordan, SVP of product & strategy, Tapad, @Nick_Jordan

“Extend mobile throughout your customer journey. Choose the right mobile moments for that journey. And always, always keep innovating along the way.”—Julie Ask

“Mobile messaging is all about the right message, with the right context at the right time.”—Paul Gelb, head of marketplace development, Twitter, @PaulGelb

“Mobile has changed the expectations of customers. Be immediate, simple, and contextual.” —Julie Ask

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