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The five different ways brands tweeted during the Super Bowl

Twitter was a pretty entertaining place to be last night’s Super Bowl. In fact for many people, the online commentary was far more engaging than what the live reporters were doing on TV. So its no surprise that brands tried many different ways to insert themselves into the huge Super Bowl conversation that was taking place. Here are the five broad categories of how they tried to do it:

1) Act drunk

JCPenney isn’t usually known for its prowess on social media (quite the opposite actually.) But on this occasion, its weird, gimmicky strategy of sending out misspelled and semi-incoherent tweets got it plenty of attention, not just from Twitter users, but other brands as well.

People got excited at the possibility that someone may have hacked into JCPenney’s Twitter account, or that its social media manager might actually be drunk. But the explanation was far more mundane, and arguably it may have undone all the buzz JCPenney had been getting before.

2) Interact with every other brand

Brands weren’t afraid to engage other brands and even competitors. This included playful teasing, one-upping each other and even friendly endorsements, which made things pretty interesting to watch if you were following the brands.

3) Insert your product into everything you say

We’ve previously praised DiGiorno Pizza for its real-time social media activity, especially when it started commenting on NBC’s live performance of The Sound of Music. On this occasion, DiGiorno brought back its pizza puns, but they started to wear a little thin after a while. Maybe it was just being …ahem..cheesy on purpose?

4) Give away a crap load of money.

Esurance found a way to dominate the conversation last night by offering to give somebody $1.5 million if they tweeted using its #EsuranceSave30 hashtag. That’s a pretty big incentive to use a hashtag, and of course #EsuranceSave30 is trending nationally now. Esurance’s reasoning for the giveaway was that since it aired its Super Bowl commercial after the game ended, it paid 30% less than all the other brands, a figure that translates to $1.5 million. To highlight its tagline of passing on savings directly to its customers, Esurance said it was going to do just that, telling Twitter users that it would randomly giveaway the money to any Twitter user who tweeted the hashtag #Esurance between 4pm ET on Sunday to 4am ET on Tuesday. Here’s the commercial it aired:

5) Act like you’re above it all

At last year’s Super Bowl, Oreo won social media, and kick started real-time social media marketing last year with its infamous “black out” tweet. This year, it simply opted to not enter the contest, with yet another “blackout tweet.”

I suppose it thought it couldn’t top itself?

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