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The Evolution of Anyword: Marketing Software Integrations with ChatGPT, Notion AI, and Canva AI


Marketing is a dynamic field that requires constant innovation to stay ahead of the game. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way marketing professionals create copy and reach out to their target audience. Anyword, a marketing copywriting software startup, has been at the forefront of this change, providing marketers with cutting-edge AI-based tools to optimize their copy and improve their conversion rates. In this article, we will explore the evolution of Anyword and how it has added integrations with ChatGPT, Notion AI, and Canva AI to its suite of marketing tools.

Over ten years ago, Anyword was established in Israel as Keywee. The business was an early adopter of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP), which it used to train its copywriting AI model based on GPT 3 on two billion data points from marketing copy from various industries. This gave its marketing clients the ability to write text that was optimized to perform well and compel particular demographics to click. These days, AI programs and Essay Assignment websites offer many options for essay help online.

Anyword received series A funding in 2015 from The New York Times, an early client, and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt. The business’s creative marketing strategy, which used AI to enhance copywriting and boost conversion rates, was a major factor in its success.

With new integrations with the most popular AI models in marketing, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Notion AI from note-taking and brainstorming company Notion, and the graphic design online platform Canva AI, Anyword is expanding its in-house AI services today. Conceptually straightforward but logistically challenging is Anyword’s mission: to enable marketers and creative clients using (or considering using) its web software to utilize the three aforementioned third-party AI tools while maintaining brand voice and prior target audience resonance.

Anyword’s concept of AI for marketers involves performing an “instant website scan” on a client’s website before scoring the results of a marketer’s prompts to ChatGPT, Notion AI, or Canva AI and rating them on a scale of 1 to 100 based on how well they adhere to the client’s “tone of voice, brand rules, product and company details, and target audiences.” After further refining their content to fit the target audience and company voice, Anyword customers may also select “Boost Performance” in order to make their marketing emails or advertisements as resonant and appealing as possible.

ChatGPT is an AI model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like responses to natural language prompts. ChatGPT is not built for marketing; it doesn’t know the brand’s voice, product, or customers, or what resonates with their base. However, with Anyword’s integration, marketers can now use the power of ChatGPT to generate on-brand and performance-driven copy. Anyword’s scoring system ensures that the copy generated by ChatGPT aligns with the client’s tone of voice, brand rules, product and company details, and target audiences.

Notion AI is an AI model developed by Notion, a startup that provides a platform for note-taking, project management, and team collaboration. Notion AI can generate natural language summaries of notes and documents, making it a valuable tool for marketers who need to summarize complex information for their target audience. With Anyword’s integration, marketers can use Notion AI to generate summaries that align with their brand voice and resonate with their target audience.

Canva AI is an AI model developed by Canva, a graphic design web app that allows users to create professional-looking designs with ease. Canva AI can generate custom designs based on a user’s input, making it a valuable tool for marketers who need to create visually appealing content for their target audience. With Anyword’s integration, marketers can use Canva AI to generate designs that align with their brand voice and resonate with their target audience.

Anyword’s Boost Performance feature allows marketers to refine their copy and designs to fit their target audience and brand voice. The feature uses predictive analytics to suggest changes that have been shown to increase conversion by 30%. By using Boost Performance, marketers can ensure that their marketing emails or advertisements are as resonant and engaging as they can be.

Anyword’s integration with ChatGPT, Notion AI, and Canva AI represents a significant step forward in the field of AI-based marketing tools. By leveraging the power of these AI models, marketers can generate on-brand and performance-driven copy and design that resonates with their target audience. Anyword’s scoring system and Boost Performance feature ensure that marketers can refine their copy and designs to fit their brand voice and increase conversion rates. With Anyword, marketers have access to a suite of cutting-edge AI-based marketing tools that can help them stay ahead of the competition.

First reported by VentureBeat.

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