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The Content Marketing Buzz Kill [Infographic]

All brands want to be the queen bee of their industry, and producing effective content can help them achieve this. But to truly create content that’s as sweet as honey, organizations need to have collaboration within their hive—especially between marketers and creative teams.

Unfortunately, there seems to be a lot of tension swarming between these two groups of worker bees. Consider the following data from Visually’s survey of 789 marketers and creatives: While 43% of creatives consider their work extremely or very effective, just 26% of marketers consider the creative team’s work effective. Similarly, nearly one fifth (19%) of marketers are unsatisfied with their creative team’s work.

A lack of clear expectations appears to be one point of contention that particularly stings. According to the study, less than half (46%) of marketers surveyed say their creative teams do a good job of delivering the kind of content they anticipate. Likewise, only about one third (36%) of creatives praise marketers for giving actionable feedback. Inadequate staffing is another issue. Only 26% of marketers say their creative teams have enough staff members, according to the study, and just 16% of creatives feel equipped to meet marketers’ demands.

Want to know if your marketing and creative teams are pollinating your organization with tension? Check out the infographic below.

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