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Telltale Games hires Knotice for email marketing

Video game publisher Telltale Games has hired digital marketing firm Knotice to provide email marketing services, the company said May 6.

Telltale will use Knotice’s software platform to track, target and segment email communications based on information from opted-in customers, such as on-site behavior and product interests.

Steven Allison, SVP of marketing at Telltale, said he contacted Knotice about providing email marketing services for the video game publisher after working with the firm while at a previous company. He declined to provide financial terms of the agreement or to name the company’s previous email marketing vendor.

“We needed to have something that our publishing team can use to specifically target people depending on what we’re doing on a weekly basis,” said Allison. “The [previous] system required a lot of set-up time with our Web team.”

Telltale Games sends about 200,000 to 300,000 emails a week to around 1 million consumers who have purchased from the company within the last two years, said Allison.

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