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System Improves Web Partnerships

WebCollage Inc. has enhanced its Syndicator, a system designed to let a firm add third-party offerings without disrupting the look and feel of its site.

Syndicator, at its most basic level, implements a partner's product/service pages into a company's site, or vice versa.

For example, Site59.com's packaged vacation plans are offered at travel destination Away.com in a partnership that uses the system. Away.com viewers who select the travel packages do not leave the site from the initial offer through checkout.

Other than a “Help” e-mail address to Site59 support staff located at the bottom of each purchasing step, the viewer cannot tell that another Web site is involved with the offer.

The new features include:

Single sign-on with user personalization. Users can sign on to the site they are visiting and also use a partner site, allowing cross personalization. For example, visitors to a travel site will see travel offers departing from airports near their home.

Access control. This feature helps sites customize their use of Syndicator for each partner. If a site is vending its products out to multiple partner sites with the system, for instance, it can dictate which ones can use their own colors and which ones must stick to its brand colors.

Mark Stabler, vice president of marketing at WebCollage, New York, said the system is applicable for any e-business, but he mentioned travel sites, banks, insurance firms and established dot-coms as possible targets.

Pricing varies according to the number of domain names and partners involved. Stabler said a company with one domain name and three partners should expect to pay a minimum of $100,000 to get the system running.

Visit webcollage.com for more information.

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