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SPSS Acquires EX Systems

SPSS Inc., Chicago, has acquired eX Systems, a Japanese-based distributor of SPSS market research solutions, for about $750,000 in cash, SPSS announced Friday.

As a result of the transaction, eX Systems' entire staff will integrate into SPSS MR, the operating group dedicated to serving the market research industry, while continuing to work out of its current location in Tokyo.

“The acquisition of eX Systems is part of our ongoing strategy to remain the leading provider of market research solutions worldwide,” said Robert Schuyff, vice president at SPSS MR Pacific Rim. “Our longtime relationship with eX Systems, their strong customer base as well as their knowledge of the Japanese culture and market make this acquisition a perfect fit.”

In addition, Schuyff said the timing of the acquisition works well with “our forthcoming Dimensions solutions, a suite of market research software that supports surveys in any language, including Japanese. We are confident that eX Systems, with its team of solid and capable staff, will enable us to accelerate our delivery of this and other SPSS MR solutions to customers throughout Japan.”

EX Systems specializes in market research services, including consulting, technical support and training. The company began its relationship with SPSS in 1990 as a service bureau, and it began distributing Quantime/SPSS products in 1991. The majority of eX Systems' clients are large research companies, including Infoplan, Nikkei Research, JSR, Research International and ACNielsen.

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