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Snap, tag and pop

Shasta Beverages announced today that it would be using SpyderLynk
 — which are essentially branded QR codes with lots of back-end data
mining capabilities — to promote its summer partnership with the LA Galaxy soccer team.

The SnapTags will appear on 12-packs of Shasta Cola, Orange,
Twist and other flavors, the company said. When a customer snaps a photo of one
of the SnapTags, the tag collects lots of
basic information about them, which marketers can use to continue to engage, said Jane McPherson, CMO at SpyderLynk. It also collects what flavor they tagged,
McPherson said, allowing them to track a customer’s favorites.

“When somebody
engages a SnapTag, we know some top-line information about them, such as how
to get in touch with them, their phone number and email address,” McPherson
said. “We also know what offers motivated them to snap the tag and, generally,
where they are.”

And that’s all very important stuff, particularly for a soda company.
Soda is something you might be consuming on the go — or, at the very least buying
on the go.

When the fans scan the SnapTag, they get to see videos that
feature tips and tricks from Galaxy Futboleros, or soccer entertainers related
to the team. For this promotion, Shasta, in particular, is banking that fans will enjoy
the cross-promotion.

And, you ask, what’s the best aspect of a SnapTag? You don’t
have to ask the consumer to give a ton of information. It just happens
automatically. Take that preference centers!

“We get a lot of visibility without having to ask the
consumer to feel uncomfortable,” McPherson said.

Erin Dostal is a reporter at Direct Marketing News.

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