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Silverpop to integrate e-mail into social media marketing

Looking to bridge the gap between e-mail and social networking campaigns, Atlanta-based Silverpop has developed a new technology that allows recipients to post offers, promotion and other content embedded in e-mails to their Facebook, MySpace or other social network pages. 

Unveiled at the DMA 08 conference in Las Vegas, Silverpop’s Share-to-Social feature promises a way for marketers to quickly turn e-mails into socially-enabled viral messages, where friends can see the message, make comments and even post the e-mail on their own profile pages.

 “The hallowed ground in e-mail marketing has always been viral programs and through social networks you can now share content with your friends,” says Silverpop CEO Bill Nussey. He adds Share-to-Social will enable marketers to expand their social media outreach beyond simply building pages on the leading social networking sites.

Rolling out this month, Share-to-Social is attracting strong initial interest from marketers Nussey said, adding, “The discussion is often about e-mail versus other channels, but this allows marketers who are already savvy with e-mail to transition into social media and quickly get a lot of benefits.”

Share-to-Social features a unique tracking code for every shared message, enabling marketers to determine which social networks are the best platforms for their messages. And while Nussey stresses that strict privacy rules will prevent pulling information from people who open a branded message from a friend’s page, marketers will still be able to determine who are the influencers on each of the major social media sites.  

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