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SEO expert to speak about news search engines and optimization of press releases

The Bulldog Reporter, a Web site that advises public relations professionals, will hold a seminar on news search engines at its annual PR University workshop Nov. 3 at the Yale Club in New York.

This year, the Bulldog Reporter has invited search engine optimization expert Greg Jarboe to speak about news search engines and how optimized press releases boost search engine visibility.

Mr. Jarboe is the president and co-founder of SEO-PR. He will be on a panel titled, “Boosting Visibility with SEO” in New York at Advanced PR Technology in Practice workshop.

The one-day conference will give participants an update on blogs, SEO, social media and online measurement tools.

Why are news search engines so important?

According to Bennett & Company’s 15th annual media, online research remains the number one source for journalists to get information. Seventy-five percent of journalists use the Internet and search for previous stories on their subject.

Mr. Jarboe will discuss press release optimization during the first half of the session. In the second half, Sally Falkow, the president of Expansion Plus, will cover RSS and syndication of press releases.

The Bulldog Reporter helps PR practitioners increase their effectiveness in gaining positive coverage by providing an inside view into the workings of journalists and top media organizations. In addition, the Bulldog Reporter offers a repository of insight into media relations “best practices” techniques and technologies that increase PR professionals’ success in developing long-term relationships with the press, building brands, measuring results and cultivating respect from upper management for the public relations functions.

For more information, or to register for this event, please visit http://www.bulldogreporter.com/advancedprtech/.

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