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Rubin Response Offers IT E-Mail Programs

Rubin Response Services Inc., Schaumburg, IL, was appointed list manager for 11 new-to-market e-mail sponsorship programs from the IT Toolbox Web network of information technology professionals.

The programs reach IT professionals in several specialties. The e-mail sponsorship opportunities include:

· Business Intelligence/Knowledge Management/Data Warehouse E-Mail Blast Sponsorship, with 6,800 e-mail addresses.

· CRM E-Mail Blast Sponsorship, 13,100 e-mail addresses.

· Database E-Mail Blast Sponsorship, 9,900 such addresses.

· Development/Programming E-Mail Blast Sponsorship, 15,700 addresses.

· EAI E-Mail Blast Sponsorship, 7,200 addresses.

· ERP E-Mail Blast Sponsorship, 16,000 addresses.

· Networking/Wireless/Storage E-Mail Blast Sponsorship, 8,800 addresses.

· IT Toolbox E-Mail Blast Sponsorship Opportunities, 91,200 addresses.

· Supply Chain E-Mail Blast Sponsorship, 7,700 addresses.

· Security E-Mail Blast Sponsorship, 2,800 addresses.

· Windows/MS Tools E-Mail Blast Sponsorship, 2,700 addresses.

Each program has a base price of $400/M.

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