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RiseUp to join Sunday papers

RiseUp, a new Sunday insert, hits newspapers on Sunday, June 22.

The 4.5 million circulation magazine will focus on race, ethnicity and diversity in America. In the style of other Sunday inserts, like Parade, RiseUp will comprise mainly feature-type stories. Topics include social issues, politics, relationships, education and lifestyles.

“From my own upbringing and life’s journey, it is abundantly clear that education is key to understanding and appreciating each other,” Janice Ellis, co-founder and publisher of RiseUp, said in a statement. “I started RiseUp because I wanted to provide a readily accessible tool to help us solve some of the problems we face as a society when it comes to race relations.”

Geared towards a broad audience — high school-educated people of all races more than 18 years old — RiseUp debuts in 12 large-circulation papers across the country. Partner papers include the Chicago Tribune, Kansas City Star, Los Angeles News, New York Daily News and Washington Post. By Fall 2008, RiseUp is projected to reach 8 million readers.

The magazine will also have a presence online, at USARiseUp.com. Readers will be able to access stories from the print edition online, and the site will also provide opportunities for reader feedback.

The couple that founded RiseUp are the magazine’s sole investors. Janice Ellis serves as the publisher and executive editor, while E. Frank Ellis fills the roles of chairman and CEO. RiseUp will be ad-supported.

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