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The Ultimate Guide to Recycling Content: Five of the Best Tools to Use

recycling content

One of the best ways to increase productivity and efficiency in your work is by recycling your content. All of the most successful marketers are those who have learned and figured out how to recycle content in a way that avoids being stale or repetitive while also increasing efficiency.

However, figuring out just how to recycle your content is difficult. Especially with people on the internet being more in tune with and aware of marketing ploys and tricks than ever before in history. Keep reading to get the ultimate guide and tools for recycling your marketing content. 

1. Podcasts

Now, we know what you may be thinking. These days, everyone has a podcast (even when they probably shouldn’t), and there’s no way I’m going to join the “OMG, I have a podcast!” group of people. This is fair enough because, on the surface, it does make more sense to start a podcast when you have a big idea or a true passion for audio work. However, creating a podcast does not have to be as big of an endeavor as it may sound.

This does not have to be a new franchise of your business to which you dedicate all of your time and resources. Instead, it could simply be one single podcast episode you launch to gain attention and traction. For instance, let’s say you have a strong blog with great content that is struggling to get views. Or reach as big of an audience as you desire. To solve this, you could simply recycle and reuse the valuable information that has already been researched, collected, and curated within blog posts. Use it in an audio form where you regurgitate that same information in a podcast format. 

 2. Infographics

For the most part, it’s safe to say visuals are always better than long copy or text on a page. However, when generating content, it has usually come from different places and is distributed to many outlets as well. All in a quick amount of time. This can make it hard to know how to organize all of your content and copy that’s been generated into clean, crisp categories of visuals. Which can be used to win over customers or keep internal employees happy for explanations of software, company policies, etc.

That’s why, after you have done the hard work of generating and gathering the content, going back through it all to create strong infographics can be a very effective way to recycle your content. It allows you to show the same information you may have already revealed in an email newsletter into a trendy graph for your Instagram story, for instance. All in all, if your infographics look clean, clear, and concise, your audience is likely going to absorb and appreciate it, even if they’ve already seen it before. 

3. Social Media Contents

A secret trick is to get your audience to do the recycling for you. Social media contests are an incredible opportunity to achieve this. Essentially, by having your audience members participate in some sort of contest (i.e. “Repost your favorite IG from our account to win a gift card from us!”) you are getting them to do the recycling of your content. Plus, you are also getting them to engage and spread the word for you. Social media contests may not seem crucial. But they truly can make a big difference in increasing your overall reach. 

4. Transcripts on Videos 

If you are someone who uses videos on platforms like YouTube or TikTok to engage audiences, create transcripts of the videos you post. One could argue that you could simply rely on AI to automatically put closed captions on and make a script from that.

However, we believe that doing it on your own is a better method. By creating your own script, you have more power in organically and accurately recapturing the exact script of what was said in your video. Additionally, you can repackage this script into an aesthetically pleasing document or slide show. This can be redistributed to audiences as an entirely new piece of content. 


Another way to recycle is to make GIFs out of scenes or special parts of your videos. A great tool to do this is GifBrewery, which does all the work of making the GIF for you. Making GIFs is a great way to spread humor or emotion through your content to show audiences a more humanistic side. 

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, after reading about these five simple steps one can take to elevate content recycling, you feel more confident and aware of the many opportunities to increase your reach. It takes a little flexibility and creativity, but once you start recycling your content, chances are you’ll never go back. 

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