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Radisson Hotels pushes consumer-shaped stays

Radisson Hotels & Resorts, a Carlson Hotels Worldwide brand, has debuted a new North American market­ing campaign in a move to target busi­ness travelers through messaging related to the experience of the hotel stay.

The multimillion dollar, multichan­nel campaign extends Radisson’s “Stay your own way” brand philosophy through online, e-mail, search, CRM efforts, print and signage in several US airports. The campaign was created by Bolin Advertising of Minneapolis.

“We really wanted to position Radis­son as a quality brand in the full ser­vice category by highlighting the spe­cial features that make the experience of staying in a Radisson hotel unique,” said Barbara Raddatz, senior director of acquisition marketing at Carlson Hotels Worldwide. “The goal is to raise aware­ness and perceptions about the brand among business travelers.”

The ads support a CRM effort called the Business Rewards package, as well as the Goldpoints PlusSM loyalty pro­gram, which was recently upgraded to offer global benefits. To encourage cus­tomers to check in online, loyalty mem­bers receive 1,000 Gold Points with each online check in.

The campaign includes several cre­ative executions in various media that focus on the hotel stay, particularly those that are appealing to business travelers. It targets 34-52 year olds, especially males, who are traveling for business.

One ad highlights the Express Your­self service that lets hotel guests check in online prior to their arrival. Another focuses on the bed and the down linens.

“We’ve found in focus groups that a comfortable bed is still really important to travelers,” Raddatz explained.

Print ads are running in Fortune, Wired, Men’s Health, USA Today, and airline fre­quent flyer magazines.

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