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Postal Rate Increases in Place

Direct marketers have started mailing at new and higher U.S. Postal Service rates.

The rate increases are expected to generate more than $900 million in additional revenue for the postal service.

Rates for regular Standard mailers rose 1.4 percent; enhanced carrier route Standard Mail, 1.3 percent; regular nonprofit, 2.5 percent; and nonprofit ECR, 2 percent. Regular periodical rates will increase 2.6 percent; nonprofit periodicals, 2.4 percent; Priority Mail rates, 0.9 percent; and package services, 1.6 percent.

First-Class mail increased 1.5 percent on average. Though rates for a 1-ounce First-Class letter will stay at 34 cents, an additional ounce will increase from 21 cents to 23 cents. Postcards will increase a penny, to 21 cents, the first increase in the postcard rate since 1995.

Most mailers and mailing houses were prepared for the change.

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