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Possible Worldwide names new CEO, absorbs marketing analytics firm

Possible Worldwide, WPP Digital’s interactive marketing network, has named ZAAZ CEO and co-founder Shane Atchison CEO, Baron Conway, EVP of global business and development at Possible Worldwide confirmed to Direct Marketing News. Marketing analytics provider ZAAZ, formerly a part of WPP Group’s Wunderman division, will become a part of WPP Digital’s Possible Worldwide.

Atchison will replace Trevor Kaufman, who will become Possible Worldwide’s chairman and will now work to expand the agency to countries and areas where it doesn’t currently have a presence. As the new Possible Worldwide CEO, Atchison will be responsible for guiding the company and integrating ZAAZ’s core marketing science competencies into Possible Worldwide’s portfolio of products and services. He will essentially retain the same duties he had as CEO of ZAAZ, said Conway, though now those same duties will expand to include Possible Worldwide. Atchison will report to Mark Read, strategy director and CEO of WPP Digital.

ZAAZ, which will retain its name, has technological capabilities that will be integrated into the overall value proposition Possible Worldwide offers to clients, Conway said. “Within Possible, we’ve been doing analytics, but our strengths have been creating incredible user experiences and marketing platforms,” Conway explained. “ZAAZ’s core competency has been marketing science. By bringing those two things together, we’ll deliver great value.”

In recent years, both ZAAZ and Possible Worldwide worked together with clients. Conway named Mitsubishi Motors North America as a joint client. He declined to name other joint clients.

“With our existing client relationships, the joint offering will create incredible user experiences to really drive ROI and bring creativity and science together,” Conway said. “And when it comes to new business and growing new parts of our business, we are making two compelling offerings and bringing them together.”

Possible Worldwide’s global clients include Proctor & Gamble, Dell, and Mazda.

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