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Pitney Bowes offers end-to-end system for sensitive documents

With the introduction of automatic document printing that integrates with its tabletop inserters, Pitney Bowes Inc. claims it can now offer mid-volume mailers a secure, end-to-end system for printing and mailing sensitive documents.

Courtesy of such integrated document printing for its DI 900/950 series of tabletop inserters, each mail piece can be created and formatted, printed, folded, inserted, sealed and metered without operator intervention.

Estimated printer capacities are up to 250,000 black and white, or 100,000 color, pages per month.

The system offers benefits to mid-volume mailers that have long been accessible to big mailers, according to Pitney Bowes, Stamford, CT.

For example, mailers can design customized bills, statements, invoices or other documents using the PB FIRST file management software.

Process verification software provides piece-level tracking to enhance the integrity and accuracy of every job. The software also identifies and isolates any errors that may occur in production, allowing the mailer to reprint only those mail pieces affected.

Other benefits include two-sided printing, the ability to mix pre-printed letterhead with plain paper and the ability to apply spot color.

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