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Parenting rewards subscribers

Bonnier Corp.’s Parenting Group, which publishes Parenting and Babytalk, has launched a subscriber rewards program in partnership with Affinity Solutions.

Parenting Privileges, available exclusively to Parenting subscribers, allows readers to log in to a Web portal using their subscriber numbers. The portal gives subscribers — mostly moms of varying ages — access to more than 100 online retailers, including ToysRUs.com, BarnesandNoble.com and Target.com, where they can receive cashback rewards for shopping. Rewards are sent as prepaid Visa debit cards.

“We launched the Parenting Privileges to give back to our readers; add value for our subscribers; and provide our advertisers with insight into the products and services that drive moms to shop online,” Walter Rosenthal, consumer marketing director of The Parenting Group explained in an e-mail. “It’s yet another insight engine, like The Parenting Group’s MomConnection research network, that will help fuel our expertise on the mom market.”

The June issue of Parenting advertised Parenting Privileges with a cover wrap, and upcoming issues of Parenting and Babytalk will feature promotions for the program. Parenting.com — the portal for both magazines — will also feature promotions. Direct mail and e-mail tests coming out this summer will offer Parenting Privileges as a new business subscription and renewal incentive.

“Parenting Privileges will be an additional vehicle in our consumer marketing efforts by adding an extra incentive for new subscriptions, renewals and for readers to stay with our brand longer,” Rosenthal added.

A search campaign to promote awareness of Parenting Privileges has been launched in addition to Parenting’s usual search efforts. Social media and blogs will also serve as promotion outlets in the coming weeks.

As extra incentive to participate in the rewards program, The Parenting Group is offering the chance to win a week-long luxury vacation if readers sign up for Parenting Privileges by July 15.

Rosenthal predicted that the rising prices of everyday goods would also encourage readers to sign up for the cashback program.

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